After my daft post yesterday, I'm going to share day two of Jelly's wild tour of Vienna! So many photos to share so I have condensed them a bit for you. Grab a cuppa and the obligatory chocolate and take the weight off your paws for a while.
Firstly we stopped off at the Grand Cafe in the hotel for a delicious breakfast and then we were collected by coach to go an a guided tour of the Schönbrunn Palace. We were not permitted to take photos inside so here are some of the outside:
Our tour guide Elizabeth was superb, as well as being so knowledgeable and passionate she was also incredibly funny. Below you can see us all enjoying the tour. The monkey snuggling between me and Amanda and me and Zoë is Fr'o'nk Manoo the UK mascot.
Following the fabulous tour we were led on a walk to another part of the palace to a special surprise, an apple strudel making class! Here you can see Fr'o'nk having a bash, Mon eyeing up the canopies (and my word they were scrummy), Mon and Jules showing us all how it's done and myself, Bekka and Zoë popping our finished strudels in the basket ready to be baked.
Of course it wasn't so easy to make - for some more than others. Yep, Jelly made such a mess (my friend Fluffy would have been on the floor crying at me at this point). Top left strudels in order....Tracy, erm mine, Dave, Frank, Steffi. How did mine go so wrong? At least there is a good photo of me showing the chef how it's done - ahem!
Michelle looks like she's having waaay too much fun doesn't she? Below are Hayley, Nat, Kerry. Zoë, Shelli and Sterling.
Here I am before it all went horribly wrong and my fist went straight through - there was no coming back from that. Whilst are strudels went off to be baked we got a tour of the beautiful gardens. Fab shot of George Clueknee with Zoë and Mr and Mrs Monica with Fr'o'nk.
The rose garden was beautiful and I love this photo. Left to right; Kerry, Amanda, Paula, me, Zoë and Mon.
Then it was off to cafe to collect our baked goods. The smell was yummy. the strudels had all been cut up (that's my excuse for the fact mine looks like an accident waiting to happen). Then back to the hotel to the hospitality suite again.
Had to include this shot of Zoë in the hotel gardens too - classy bird isn't she? Now I mentioned spin the wheel before and we are so lucky to have got to spin the wheel for Stampin' Up! goodies each day, now as an incentive trip achiever newbie it seemed more than once I was the victim of the well travelled and repeat achievers pranks. This was my favourite though. I went to spin the wheel and Monica said I needed to get the pin to stop on brown flowers to win two prizes. I admit whole hearted that I attempted to cheat not once but twice but was spotted by Kelliesue. So on my actual attempt, I failed to hit the brown flowers triangle. Everyone laughed at me as you won both prizes whatever you landed on. I'll remember that ladies!

After a busy day, Tracy was in a lot of pain and needed to rest so I met with some of the others and went to a restaurant recommended by Elizabeth and it was great fun with great food too. Let's see if I can get this right: Paul, Dave, Jen, Martin, me, Julie, Natalie, Julie, Zoë, Monica, Pete, Paula, Paul.
Bottom pics: Jules, Brian, Bekka, Kerry, Jason, Simon, Michelle, Joe, Amanda, Robin. Phew. Then it was back to the hotel for a few nightcaps and then bed for a very sleepy Jelly. How nice to find this pillow gift when I got back to my room:
Actually this one isn't mine as I may have been a bit too wobbly to take a photo so for a change I grabbed this pic off Jo's blog!
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