
Saturday, 14 March 2015

Shabby Chic Easter Bunny Gift Bags

How is it Saturday afternoon already? I still have so much to do today. I finished up some orders this morning and at the moment I'm 'mid' making new zip up covers for my Mum in Laws sofa cushions and scatter cushions as a present for Mother's Day from The Spark. Hmm! 

The fabric is a bit gorgeous, it's a Sanderson design to match her wallpaper, was she mad to entrust me to the task? We shall see soon.

Moving on swiftly back to my comfort zone and all that. It might be Mother's Day here in the UK tomorrow but you'll only need to blink and then it will be Easter (or egg day as my boys call it).

So here are some vintage style Easter Bunny Gift Bags I made:


These would be lovely packed full of goodies and treats. They measure 8" across and 9" in height and fasten with the drawstring.


I added some lace trim (Victoria by Stampin' Up!) around the top edge.


And added matching gift tags too.


They cost £4.50 each plus postage (UK only) and you can order yours in plenty of time for Easter by emailing me at:

Why not stop by my Facebook page for a nose around too?

Right then. I'm off back to cushion chaos - may share at a later date depending on how they turn out. Would you believe I have NEVER sewn a zip in my entire life?


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