
Sunday, 24 April 2011

A Small Gift and a Huge Job

Happy Egg day everyone! The Easter bunny came to visit and brought my boys and us mountains of chocolate, even the dairy free stuff for Blake to enjoy. They both demanded the bunny hand over the goods at breakfast so after cereal - choccie egg time in the Jelly household.

So after two whole days n the garden, today I'm inside. I had a bit of a baking disaster earlier but I'll share that with you tomorrow. For now here is a cute little gift and matching card:

I've used the Scallop Envelope die to make the box and Four Frames and the matching decorative label punch too. Here's the card:

The background texture was made using the Square Lattice Embossing folder. The sentient and flower is actually from Oval All.

If you'd like to make this little box amongst others, why not book yourself a place in my Big Shot class on Tuesday 12th July at 7.30pm when we'll be making bags and boxes!

Now then, yesterday I shared with you how we'd started work on the garden building a fence and gate so the boys can play outside safely. Well it's done - with the exception of sanding and staining!

James' Dad even put us a lining in the sand box and we got some kiddy sand and the boys are loving building castles and 'villages with shops' out of sand! Happy we had lots of rain last night as our lawn needs it! Now to really show us up for the poor gardeners we are. Behind the garage we have another garden, which since we moved here we have hoped to turn into a veg plot. Ahem:

I'm too embarassed to show you how it looked before James got started. This is how it ended up by the time he'd had enough for the day:

Still a long, long way to go! James' Dad cleared out the greenhouse for us so hopefully one day we can get growing. Not this weekend though eh?

Better go, I have tons to get done today and I haven't made a dint in my to do list yet.


  1. Happy Easter Victoria - your garden I'm sure is going to look lovely - Jacqueline xx.

  2. Lovely projects as usual Victoria and the garden is coming along in leaps and bounds.

    Tracy xx


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