
Friday, 15 April 2011

My Very Own Mad Hatter

Here's something a little bit different from the usual projects you see from me:

Yes you've seen me make cupcakes before, but not one this big! It was Zac's last day of term at pre-school today and they had an Easter bonnet parade, I was in such a panic yesterday wondering what to make, wondering how to make a hat base. Didn't realise you could get a basic plain kids bonnet at the supermarket! Here's my finished creation:

It's all Stampin' Up! minus the hat itself, the chicks and the felt flower on the cake top. Oh and the inside frame of the cupcake is a plastic plant pot! I folded Neautrals DSP to wrap around it and secured with some very unboyish pink grosgrain ribbon. Now before you protest, Zac asked for a cake hat! He'd seen some at school with eggs and chicks on and said he didn't want one. I asked him what he did want and he said 'a big chocolate and pink cake Mummy' So I had to oblige of course, how could Mummy say no?

The cake top was the hardest bit, I cut the largest circle I could from the DSP and cut in places to fold in the get the shape. Stapled it together and just plopped it in place in the plant pot. The bunnies are all made from our punches with a little Basic Gray Marker for detail. And here is my very own little Mad Hatter, still in his jammies this morning:

Not the best photo but as good as I could get at 6.30am! Hope the school took some good ones. Now it's two and a half weeks before he goes back, got to find lots to keep him occupied now.



  1. What a fabulous hat!

    Love Lynda xxx

  2. What a magnificent cupcake creation! I love, love, love this project. Have a great weekend Jelly! xxx

  3. love it, what a great idea to use the supermarket hat underneath, very nifty.
    Claire xx

  4. what a great hat - you are so talented! x

  5. I work at Poundland and must have sold hundreds of those hats this week. I`ll bet none of them have been decorated anywhere near as good as this one. It`s fantastic Victoria. What a lucky little boy to have such a clever mummy.
    Lynne xxx

  6. Absolutely fantastic Victoria
    Your little lad looks great!
    mandi x

  7. LOL. he looks very pleased with himself! Fantastic!

  8. Great design and Zac looks brill in it.

    Tracy xx


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